Monthly Archives: February 2015

Closing King Street to Cars

Times Square is closed to cars– why not King St below Calhoun? It works on second Sundays and would make our signature street safer and more pleasant for tourists and residents alike. There are so few parking spaces on the street anyway and parking lots in every direction– plus traffic is always terrible. This would […]

Recapping – A Vision for Charleston

On Monday, February 23, 2015, If You Were Mayor teamed up with the Coastal Conservation League, Charleston Moves, Historic Charleston Foundation, and the South Carolina Community Loan Fund to present a “Vision for Charleston: Priorities for the Next Mayoral Administration.” The forum, a bit like our website, turned agenda-setting on its head. Instead of inviting […]

Energy created in our pipes

Just read about this idea: Can you even imagine how much energy could be produced if put into the massive pipe to be installed at the crosstown?


This isn’t really such a “great” idea — it’s an obvious and common-sense one. I was recently forbidden by the City of Charleston from placing solar panels on my downtown roof for reasons of aesthetics. I, too, love this city’s aesthetics, but isn’t it time we realized that there won’t be a gorgeous city here […]

Strong Foundation

I believe a successful community/city must have a strong backbone. Let’s take a hard look at the wages/salaries of our teachers, firefighters, police, etc. They may be paid ‘competitive’ wages for the region, but the region as a whole is far below the national average (even when the lower cost of living is taken into […]


My God, it’s everywhere in our city. Trashing our roadways and screaming NEGLECT. Especially places like Ashley River Rd. leading to our beautiful historic plantations. I’m told the city and county don’t have crews to actually clean it up, so why don’t we contract these services out if we can’t/won’t do it ourselves. It’s not […]

A Vision for Charleston Forum

Four of the city’s five declared mayoral candidates gathered at the Francis Marion hotel Monday. However, they didn’t speak at the forum; instead, they listened to citizens and civic leaders. WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 – Charleston News, Sports, Weather

Growth of green space and parks should increase in parallel with development

If the idea of walking and cycling is to be promoted, and I hope it is, ALL developments, retail and housing, should have accessible green space and parks WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. Should there be significant impact fees on developers/every new property and every new development, to assist with purchasing space for satellite parking for downtown […]

Local Price Reduction

If I were mayor I would enforce a 20% decrease in prices for locals on retail and restaurants on Peninsular Charleston and at select popular venues in the greater Charleston area which fluently cater to the needs of tourists and locals alike, but which sport the price tags suited for a vacation rather than daily […]

Vision: What It Might Take

Robert Caro in his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Robert Moses, The Power Broker, details how Mr. Moses, in Depression-era New York City, was able to create and lead a powerful matrix of public authorities tasked with infrastructure construction.  Through these quasi-public agencies, Mr. Moses was able to circumvent the “power of the purse” assigned to public […]