Author Archives: Mayor

Local Works

THE PROJECT Local Works, an initiative of Lowcountry Local First (LLF), provides low-cost professional workspace for local businesses in a creative and collaborative environment. This open-sector specific hub supports member businesses in need of a regular office environment and fosters a business community ripe for partnerships. As interaction in the community grows, the likelihood of […]

Romney Urban Garden

THE PROJECT OR INITIATIVE Through its Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF) is partnering with the New Israel Reformed Episcopal Church on Simons Street to create an urban community garden on a vacant lot at the dead end of Romney Street which is owned by the church.  HCF has  rehabilitated an historic Freedman’s Cottage […]

U-gotta Regatta

THE PROJECT I would like to organize an annual toy boat regatta to take place in Colonial Lake. I imagine it being a one-day event, with children’s toy boat competitions in the morning, then local merchant-sponsored boats in the afternoon competition, and finally toy boats made by professional artists from around the world. Prizes would be given […]

Vivian Moultrie Park Revitalization

THE PROJECT We have been working with the North Central Neighborhood Association to develop plans, permits, and partners to complete a park beautification project. Enough Pie has secured funding for murals to be painted on the I-26 underpass columns inside of the park. We are in talks with a local artist and local artist supply […]

Affordable Commercial Space

THE PROJECT We are all aware of the affordability issues in Charleston — particularly around the need for affordable housing. Enough Pie also believes there is a significant need for affordable commercial space for local businesses, artists, and creative industry. We believe the area of the upper peninsula is the ideal geography to implement progressive […]

Pedestrian Friendly Streets

THE PROJECT The historic core is the economic engine of the Charleston region. People choose to visit and live here because of downtown’s beauty, charm, and nightlife. But why is car culture so prevalent in the historic core? Why are pedestrians treated as the guest when the private automobile is the noisy newcomer? Our streets […]

Neighborhoods, Parks & Housing

Put your idea, initiative or project here if it has to do with such things as: Recreation and exercise facilities. Neighborhood gathering places – pocket parks. Affordable housing – Incentives, loan programs, scattered site, micro-housing units. Public health – neighborhood health events, walking and bicycle infrastructure. Neighborhood identity – signage, art, tree planting and streetscaping. Public safety – connectivity for […]

Arts & Culture

Put your idea, initiative or project here if it has to do with such things as: Competitions for infrastructure components – bridges, paving, bike racks, etc. Arts and entertainment venues – outdoor, indoor, temporary, adaptive. Festivals & events – Music, literary, performance, cultural/historical, street/neighborhood, seasonal, spontaneous. Public art – permanent, site-specific, commemorative. Historic markers or events. Way finding & […]

Economic Development

Put your idea, initiative or project here if it has to do with such things as: Development and overlay zones – job cluster zones, tax-increment financed (TIF). Public funded facilities. Superfund/contaminated/brownfield site cleanup/reuse. Regulatory or tax incentives. Low interest loans & seed funding. Mobile/sidewalk business options – food truck, shoeshine stand, knife sharpening, artist kiosk, lemonade stand, […]


Put your idea, initiative or project here if it has to do with such things as: Mentorship programs – reading, writing, crafts, cooking, storytelling, volunteer opportunities. Job training – apprenticeship, job shadowing, internship opportunities. Skills for public spaces – speakers corner, spelling bee, science fair. Businesses in schools programs – finance, coding, innovation/invention, health fair, robotics, agriculture, cooking/hospitality, entrepreneurship. […]