Author Archives: Mayor

Light Up the Lowline

THE PROJECT I would love to bring together activists and residents from all walks of life for an interactive, participatory, celebratory civic art event. Imagine a parade of people riding decorated bicycles, people walking with giant puppets, and artists carrying illuminated lanterns. The parade route could take part on the Lowline, a piece of property […]

Why Do This

These days, with nations and states paralyzed by ideology, cities are the last resort of pragmatic, participatory, creative, and cooperative problem-solving. In the most successful cities, local governments, civic-minded organizations, and businesses partner to tackle issues. That work not only enhances quality of life but helps cities establish a place in the competitive global economy.  […]

Off and Running

After only a week, seven organizations have posted 14 projects on Each of the initiatives aims to make Charleston more livable through one focus area – transportation, education, arts & culture, economic opportunities, or neighborhoods, parks, and housing. You will find that they are wide-ranging and include the fanciful (U-gotta Regatta), the visionary (Charleston Ferry), and the practical (Neighborhood […]

Medway Community Garden

THE PROJECT The Charleston Parks Conservancy is in the process of planning a community garden in Medway Park in the Riverland Terrace area of James Island. Currently Medway Parks serves as a popular multifunctional greenspace that plays host to recreational activities, year-round farmers markets, and various community events. The overarching goal of the program is […]

St. Julian Devine Park & Playground Renovation

THE PROJECT St. Julian Devine Community Center Park and Playground offers educational classes, seasonal events, and other social opportunities for various communities in Charleston’s Upper Peninsula. This is an important community gathering space and community center building; however, the site currently includes an outdoor area with only a limited play structure, a dry and weathered […]

Garden in the Parks Initiative

THE PROJECT Devoted to the motto “Connecting people with their parks”, the Conservancy staff works directly with volunteers from the Park Angel program to provide care and maintenance to gardens and greenspaces of Charleston parks. Thriving on community and Park Angel support, Garden in the Parks is a successful initiative that brings Charleston residents some […]

Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative

THE PROJECT Historic Charleston Foundation is developing a pilot project under its reinvigorated Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative program. The goal of this program is to strengthen the broader Charleston community through the promotion of neighborhood revitalization, and to collaborate strategically with partners on a variety of initiatives to address affordability, livability and the preservation of historic […]

Well, We Made It.

Well, we made it.  What was once just the germ of an idea is officially launched. “You know what we need,” Whitney Powers asked of anyone who would listen to her a year ago. “The ability to help establish the vision for Charleston’s next 40 years of Charleston after Joe Riley leaves office.” So a […]

Charleston Ferry

Wando River and Ashley River corridors between Summerville/North Charleston/City Marina/Mt. Pleasant THE PROJECT Given that the region is anticipating significant population growth in the coming decades, and that no more land is being created here, we must utilize the existing infrastructure to its maximum capacity.  Rather than imagine pie-in-the-sky road projects, let’s envision using the […]

Shipwatch Square Redevelopment

THE PROJECT OR INITIATIVE The Chicora-Cherokee neighborhood of North Charleston has been void of a full-service grocery store since the shopping center was shuttered as a result of the navy base closure in the 90s. Despite efforts by local non-profits, the City of North Charleston, and grocery retailers, the area, located at the intersection of Rivers […]