Closing King Street to Cars
Times Square is closed to cars– why not King St below Calhoun? It works on second Sundays and would make our signature street safer and more pleasant for tourists and residents alike. There are so few parking spaces on the street anyway and parking lots in every direction– plus traffic is always terrible. This would induce transit ridership, pedestrian and bike use, and parking outside of downtown. This change would also do away with the ridiculous bike parking restrictions!
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One of the problems with this is merchant and restaurant deliveries, UPS, and trash pickup. Since few blocks have streets or alleys behind the stores, I would think these necessary services a huge obstacle to permanently closing King Street to traffic.
Reply • Follow • 3/1/2015
Golden Ratio
There are ample ways to deal with deliveries/trash/etc. All side streets could have more reserved parking for delivery drivers and/or deliveries should be restricted to certain (off-peak) hours of the day. Perhaps King Street could open to trucks at this time, but ultimately, having the drivers park on side streets and walk a block is not a bad thing. Lower King is already a traffic mess most the time with at least one lane blocked; it's obvious that vehicles do not belong there.