If You Were Mayor provides citizens and civic-minded organizations a simple place to share ideas and projects with the goal of enhancing the city’s livability. Users on the web-based platform have the opportunity to engage, collaborate and make positive impacts. As such, we have a number of rules we enforce to maintain a high level of discourse.
Please review our community standards. Ideas and comments violating these rules are subject to editing or removal. If you see something on If You Were Mayor that you believe violates these rules, please report the abuse.
Keep in mind that reporting content doesn’t guarantee that if will be removed from the site. If You Were Mayor is open to expression that meets the community standards outlined below.
No city is perfect and finding opportunities where there are gaps is one way to realize more of your city’s full potential. If You Were Mayor is organized around five categories that have been found in countless studies related to livability and quality of life and almost any positive idea can fit somewhere in them: Transportation, Education, Economic Opportunity, Arts & Culture and Neighborhoods, Parks & Housing.
Complaints only get you so far and many issues require the attention of the local government. Every problem can be solved in many ways so occasionally conflicted ideas will find their way onto the site. That’s ok!
Feasibility or perceived feasibility should not be a limiting factor if you have an idea that you think is interesting or applicable to creating a more livable city. However, an idea should be realistic. For instance, putting a dome over your city is not realistic.