Housing for seniors, middle class and below.
One by one tear down the aging ghetto housing developments around Charleston replacing them with creative areas of varied styles of mixed housing. Six to eight unit apartment buildings, four or five contiguous town houses, single family and patio homes. Have mixed incomes not just section 8. Half the senior housing would be two bedroom two bath units so those on limited social security or pensions could have a room mate and share expenses just like students do. Racially varied not all black, white or Hispanic. Currently public housing is controlled and dominated by blacks. There is nothing for poor others including seniors. Include green space and recreation areas.
Ghettos beget ghetto behavior and Charleston’s need to be repurposed. Now that’s what I think should happen but what will likely happen: All aging public housing sites sit on valuable land (all land in Charleston is valuable) soon the government will say “it’s costing too much to maintain these units”. Then they’ll build a few more in the worst possible out of the way flood lands they can find and sell off the old site to some high end developer for gazillions.
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